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Relax and enjoy your weekends while your house cleaner cheerfully and thoroughly cleans your home from top to bottom. You'll love how easy and convenient it is to hand over all those dreary house cleaning chores to Part-time Cleaning Services. house cleaners who will love making your home sparkle.

Part Time Maid Cleaning Services
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60 12 377 0130

Bathroom Cleaning in Mont Kiara, Bangsar

5 Ways to Freshen up Your Bathroom

You probably spend hours making your home look good. Spare a thought the smallest room in your home – the bathroom. It costs you a fraction compared to your homes makeover, but you will fall in love with it once it is complete. It will also not take you more than a day to arrange make-over items. In most cases, you can do it yourselves, but in some cases if the cleaning is not done for prolonged period of time, you may need a professional help though. So let’s begin!

Trick 1: Clean those tiles: In most cases, a simple act of cleaning the tiles would do the trick. Add some bleach to water and scrub your tiles with this mixture and experience tile as bright as new. In most cases, this should do the trick, but if the tiles are still stained, then one may need a trusted professional help to clean the tough stains and calcium deposits.

Trick 2: Try repainting the surfaces: Due to the high humidity, over a period of time, the paint loses its appeal. Try a fresh coat of paint to get the dazzle back on your bathroom walls. Try creating a contrast with floor tiles for a better effect. You may also look at wall-papers to highlight pockets. Or only highlight the borders of the mirrors and cabinet doors and then see the effect.

Trick 3: Add Knick-knacks: Why should rest of your home have fun with ‘Knick-Knacks?’ Why not give include the bathroom too? Artefacts can be placed in bathrooms to get the life back. It could be a set of vases or an old styled mirror or simply a canvas. Try putting a moulded wooden trim around the mirror and experience a refreshed bathroom again.

Trick 4: Refresh the cabinets: The cabinet door knobs and handles lose their shine due to exposure to moisture making them look worn and dull. Simply change those door knobs and handles or add more life by repainting the cabinet panels. It will surely add to the beauty of the place and bring it at par with the rest of your house.

Trick 5: Change those curtains and footmats: Change the window and shower curtains. These two are as good as a canvas in your bathroom. They lose the sheen over a period of time. Bring in a fresh set to get back the sheen and see the difference for yourself.

Just call us, we can handle. 

Part Time Maid Cleaning Services
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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Cleaning services are often hired to clean your home once a week. Though cleaning services often charge based on your individual budget.

Often cleaning services tailor their work to your needs, but it always important to find a company that you can trust to spend several hours a week alone in your house.

When you find one though, it is a nice feeling to have something crossed off your chore list every week.