Our First Cleaning Visit - Why is it different? Why is it necessary? Why does it cost more?
Better Home Care
Your home and possessions are among your most valuable and most treasured assets. Nevertheless, most of our clients are simply too busy to clean them with the time and care they deserve.
Our First Visit
Our first cleaning visit is more like spring cleaning or perhaps “catch-up” cleaning. Before we can begin regularly scheduled cleaning of a home, there are a variety of first-time tasks that require extra time and effort. There’s a big difference between “old” dirt and “new” dirt. If we don’t get rid of the old dirt, no matter how hard we try, simply removing new dirt isn’t going to make your home sparkling. It’s not uncommon for us to spend from four to eight times longer on a first-time clean than t takes us on regular, repeat maintenance visits!
Throughout the House
Perhaps no one has vacuumed behind or beneath the sofa for months. Bookshelves, baseboards, windowsills and windows are prime candidates for long periods of neglect, and may require extra initial “TLC.”
Kitchen cabinets, counter tops and appliances usually require extra attention on our first visit. Grease, fingerprints, and other dirt seem to make their way through everyone’s home and gravitate toward the kitchen. It doesn’t take long for kitchen dust to become impregnated with grease, which is more difficult and time-consuming to clean than a week’s worth of ordinary surface dirt
If we don’t spend the time and effort to get the shower doors, shower-door tracks, shower and bathroom walls, bathtub surfaces, plumbing fixtures, and floors thoroughly cleaned, these objects won’t look really clean no matter how often we visit.
Access to Your Home
Since we clean during normal business hours while may of our clients are at work, we need a way to get into your house or apartment to do our work.
Once we’ve cleaned the first time and you approve of our work, the most reliable access for future visits is a copy of your house key(s). This is the way most of our clients allow us access.
Creating honest working relationships through good communication. Our staff is prepared to meet your one time and /or continuous cleaning needs. For affordable phone quotes, please contact us today.
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