Relax & Enjoy your Weekends

Relax and enjoy your weekends while your house cleaner cheerfully and thoroughly cleans your home from top to bottom. You'll love how easy and convenient it is to hand over all those dreary house cleaning chores to Part-time Cleaning Services. house cleaners who will love making your home sparkle.

Part Time Maid Cleaning Services
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60 12 377 0130

Quality Form

Tell Us How We Did!

Our mission is to clean your home as you would like it to be cleaned and to provide you with the confidence to entrust us with the care of your home. We take your satisfaction seriously.

To ensure superior quality housecleaning service, we leave a Quality Form after every visit. This is your opportunity to evaluate us. Please complete each to let us know whether or not our cleaning services have earned your satisfaction.

Please help us determine what we're doing well and what areas we can improve upon. We value your opinion, and we want to do everything we can to retain you as a loyal, satisfied customer.

Please indicate the answer that best reflects your feelings or situation. If a particular question does not apply to you, simply leave it blank.

* designates a required field

How would you rate the quality of the following services by The Maids Home Services:
Vacuuming:* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Dusting:* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Kitchen:* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Bathroom(s):* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Overall, how would you rate the service you have received from The Maids Home Services?*
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
How would you rate the level of service you have received from our office staff, including sales and quality assurance?*
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
How would you rate the attitude / friendliness of your cleaning team?*
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Would you recommend our services to your friend / family?*
Yes No
Why or why not?
What do you like best about The Maids Home Services?
How can The Maids Home Services better serve you?
Please enter your name:*
Please enter your e-mail address:*
Please enter the date of your last cleaning:*
Thank you for your time and participation!


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Cleaning services are often hired to clean your home once a week. Though cleaning services often charge based on your individual budget.

Often cleaning services tailor their work to your needs, but it always important to find a company that you can trust to spend several hours a week alone in your house.

When you find one though, it is a nice feeling to have something crossed off your chore list every week.